Why Do I Have An Eating Disorder?
If you have been dealing with eating issues for a while, you may be asking yourself "Why do I have an eating disorder?" Where did it come from? What could you have done to cause it? How can you fix it? The question "why" can be helpful in determining the root...
Intuitive Eating: Do You Just Eat Whatever You Want?
There is a common misperception among people new to the concept of Intuitive Eating that you are supposed to just eat whatever you want. While there is some validity to this, I think it bears some more explanation. How to Read the Book When you first start reading...
Intuitive Eating and Self-Compassion
It's nearly impossible to progress with Intuitive Eating without learning how to have self-compassion.I find that a lot of us with eating issues also have perfectionism issues. Or maybe if perfectionism doesn't seem to fit for you, it's just expecting a lot of...
I absolutely love helping people recover from eating issues!
I suffered from exercise bulimia, anorexia and body dysmorphic disorder from the age of 11 to 24, when I finally reached out for help. It took a number of years and a village for me to recover: several therapists, mentors, nutritionists, and recovery groups. Eventually, I stumbled across Mindful and Intuitive Eating, and that’s when I really began to experience freedom for the first time.