Addictions Counseling

Time and again you’ve tried to control it.  You tell yourself that if you just don’t drink or use before 5, or only on holidays, or never at work, or never alone, then you’ll finally get it under wraps for good.

You’ve even gone long stretches like several months without drinking or using.  These periods of leaving it alone give you hope and convince you that you’re “not that bad.”  You see other people having one or two drinks with dinner and you wonder what that’s like. 

Once you start, all bets are off.  You could go home after just a few and have a nice relaxing night.  Or, you could end up drinking way more than you anticipated, doing things you regret with people you regret doing them with.  And then there’s the hangovers. They’re massive.  They’re becoming harder to recover from–and hide.

The shame and regrets have gotten overwhelming. You can hardly look at yourself in the mirror anymore.  You’re astounded at who you’ve become. The people around you are worried at best, increasingly absent at worst.

You’re not broken.  You have an addiction that is recoverable.  You don’t have to go it alone.

You may have tried therapy before, or AA, or other groups.  Maybe even sober apps or Dry Januaries. 

But, what you need is a systematic approach that works.  You need to uncover the underpinnings of the addiction, find new ways to cope that actually work, and have a compassionate guide through the whole process.  If you’re interested in what the next steps are with me, get in touch.  I’d love to chat with you about how I work.

I had an addiction, too, and life is so rich on the other side.