With dieting, we learn to not trust ourselves around food. We learn that our bodies are to be hated, changed, not trusted. We learn that everything can be made better in our lives if we just diet perfectly.  The dream of the perfect life, relationship, and career can be attained if we are only the perfect weight. We fall into the delusion that we have some sort of control over our lives that we actually don’t have.  And, this is the delusion that diet culture wants us to have so that we keep buying their products and not trusting our own innate (free) tendencies.

Four years into recovery for an eating disorder I embarked upon my Intuitive Eating journey.  I attacked Intuitive Eating just like I had always attacked a new diet: with perfectionism, voracious reading, and full-blown obsession.  Little did I know that IE is the absolute antithesis of dieting. There is no way to attack it, do it perfectly, or get an A.  In fact unlike diets, it is slow, at times unpredictable, and certainly un-linear.

Intuitive Eating was the perfect process for me to learn to let go around food. I learned to be OK with the non-linear, unpredictable way it works. I grew to love listening to my body instead of being on a diet or a plan of any sort. I embraced eating (and living) mindfully; and I ultimately relinquished a lot of my type A, attack-it-with-a-diet tendencies.

I am here to share my recovery journey with you.  To relive my successes, to outline my bumps in the road so you’ll know yours are normal, to relay the science behind why dieting is so bad for your body, mind, and spirit, and to inspire you on your journey.  Oh, and did I mention I like to crack myself up?  I might do some of that too.

Follow me. Share your questions and comments.  I respond to every email, phone call, and question. I’ve personally been to h#@* and back with eating issues, and now it’s my passion to help you find food freedom, too.

Sending love and hugs your way today.
