Counseling for Disordered Eating

You’ve tried it all: Paleo, vegan, dietitians, fitness programs, weight loss apps, even therapy.
You’re desperate to feel in control around eating again. You go on diets, they work for a time. You’ll lose a little weight and feel better about yourself. But, it’s fleeting. You end up binging and gaining all the weight back.

You can be really good at losing weight. Almost too good. You’re so good at it that it has taken over your life at various points. You wish you could stay the course being restrictive with yourself. Just easily maintaining your weight has eluded you for most of your life. Many days you don’t care if you’re obsessed with food and weight–you just want to be skinny because that’s the only thing that has ever given you any relief from the unending negative thoughts about yourself.

Body image is a screaming demon inside your head. Some days you can find some peace and gratitude with yourself the way you are, but more days you despise what you see in the mirror and can’t stop obsessing about how to change it.

Your issues around food are starting to affect the people you love. You can’t go out to eat without panicking, you’re rigid and uptight at parties, you can’t miss a day of exercise and all of this is exhausting for your loved ones.

You start to wonder if you’ll always be like this, if you’re fundamentally broken.

Let me tell you, that you’re not broken and there is hope. You’re dealing with disordered eating. That’s all. It is recoverable. There is light at the end of the tunnel. Let me show you the way out.

I, too, struggled with disordered eating. I went from hating my body, exercising like a fiend, counting every morsel I put in my mouth, obsessing about food, and unable to go out to eat with friends. Now with nearly 20 years of recovery I have peace with food. I eat the things I love, I don’t count anything, I enjoy surprise dinners out, my weight feels peaceful and easy, and I don’t think about food unless I’m cooking something yummy. You can absolutely get there too.

I provide counseling for disordered eating in the state of Colorado where I’m licensed as a therapist. I also provide coaching for disordered eating by telehealth anywhere in the world. Reach out and we will figure out how I can best help you.