So you’ve decided Intuitive Eating might work for you. You’ve read about it, or you follow some people on Instagram or Facebook.  Maybe you’ve even read the book and have tried to apply some of the principles on your own.  Now you’re ready to take it to the next level and find an Intuitive Eating coach or counselor.  What is an Intuitive Eating Coach and what qualifies someone to be one? How can they help you, and is it better to have a coach or a counselor? I’ll answer some of these questions here.

What Is An Intuitive Eating Coach

As you probably already know, Intuitive Eating is a program designed to help people heal their relationship to food.  Written by two registered dietitians in the 90’s, the Intuitive Eating book has quickly swept the nation as one of the leading modalities to help people recover from binge eating, improve overall health, heal the effects of dieting messages, and gain a healthy sense of self.

An Intuitive Eating Coach or Counselor is someone who has been trained through the official Intuitive Eating Pros, Evelyn Tribole, M.S, R.D., and Elyse Resch, M.S., R.D. The training requires a prerequisite of being a licensed health professional of some kind, whether it be a registered dietitian (R.D), licensed counselor or social worker, or even a yoga instructor or certified health coach.

Additionally, the training covers the Intuitive Eating book extensively and how to work with people struggling with their relationship with food using Intuitive Eating as a modality.  It requires extensive knowledge of the most recent edition of the book and workbook, completion of a live group televideo training series, and individual supervision hours with Evelyn Tribole.

Coach Vs. Counselor

A certified Intuitive Eating Coach is someone who holds a certification, not a professional license, and has also completed all the requirements to become a certified Intuitive Eating professional.  This person may be a health coach, a yoga instructor, a personal trainer or a certified nutritionist.  An Intuitive Eating Counselor is someone who already holds a professional license, such as a licensed counselor, social worker, doctor, or dietitian, and who is also certified through the Intuitive Eating Pros.

You might assume that someone with the professional license is the most experienced and the best choice.  And, this could absolutely be true.  In looking for someone to help you, though, there are a number of factors to consider.

How to Choose A Guide

You may choose an Intuitive Eating Coach or Counselor purely based on their services being covered by your health insurance, which is a great reason.  There are many licensed social workers, counselors and dietitians that are certified Intuitive Eating Professionals that take insurance that could be a great fit for you.  You may also choose someone based on price. There are lots of professionals willing to work on a sliding scale if cost is an issue for you. Talk to them in person or by phone to see what you can work out.  Most helping professionals are in this line of work in order to help people–because they care.  You’d be surprised how many would be willing to reduce their fees just to be able to help you.

Another way to choose a guide on your Intuitive Eating journey is to find someone on a social media platform or online that you relate to and like their message. There are many Intuitive Eating Coaches and Counselors on Instagram and Facebook.  Many have their own blogs, or post on Pinterest or Twitter.  Do some research. Follow different people. See who resonates with you.

Accessibility is a big factor in choosing someone, too.  If you live in a remote area where there are few Intuitive Eating Coaches or Counselors, then it may be best for you to find help from someone who does online, video, or phone sessions. Or, even if you live in a big city with lots of Intuitive Eating resources, you may find it easier due to illness, having young children at home, or for privacy reasons to get help from someone remotely.  Ask yourself what will be most effective for you in your current situation.  What are you most likely to follow through on?

Your Learning Style

It’s a good idea to get clear about what you need in a guide.  Do you respond well to someone who is very compassionate? Informed?  Do you like someone who is a straight shooter and will give it to you like it is without much filter?  Do you like homework, and worksheets, and a defined process?  Or, do you prefer to just talk things out with someone in session?  Do you prefer learning from someone who has overcome similar difficulties as you, or does this not matter to you?  Answering these questions about your learning style may help you narrow down your choices…it’s a big field!

Remember, this is your unique journey.  Intuitive Eating is an amazing modality to help you heal your relationship with food.  You should feel comfortable with whoever you work with–it’s a vulnerable topic! Feeling supported, having easy access, working with someone knowledgeable and experienced, and having a personal connection are all factors to consider in choosing a guide through Intuitive Eating.