One of the most impactful things my dietitian did to help me become an Intuitive Eater was to model the thinking and decision making that she had around food.  She would walk me through her thought process as she got off work and began thinking about what she wanted for dinner.  Why was this so revolutionary for me?  Because my decision making around food was based solely on how “light” or low calorie/carb it was. Never did I consider the taste or what I actually liked!  So, here I’ve compiled some examples for you to use in making decisions about food.

After a long day at work:

“I’m definitely biologically hungry because I feel my stomach growling.  I don’t really feel like cooking tonight so what sounds good?  Mmmm. I’ve been thinking about that chicken tortilla soup at that great Mexican restaurant down the street since I had it last.  I could go there.  But, that doesn’t sound like quite enough. I’m pretty hungry.  I could do the chips and salsa but that doesn’t sound good for some reason. Maybe I’ll see if they have a side salad to go with it. Or, maybe one chicken taco on the side.  Great!  That sounds satisfying and not too heavy.”

Between meals when you feel “snacky” at work

“I really want one of the donuts that my coworker brought today.  Hmm. Am I hungry right now?  Actually, I am getting a bit hungry.  My stomach isn’t growling just yet but it will be soon.  It might make me feel better if I wait until I am a little more hungry to eat.  I’ll have a snack, then I’ll have the donut.  I remember last time I had a donut on an empty stomach it didn’t make me feel so good.  There is nothing wrong with donuts.  I just want to eat them when they will make me feel good.”

When you’re at the movies

“Oooh I love buttered popcorn at the movies. And candy.  But I just ate dinner and I’m already sort of full.  It’s OK to eat food when I’m not hungry.  But what will be most supportive of my body?  If I eat a whole bunch of popcorn or candy I’m not going to feel great.  I have choices.  I could split something with my friend.  I could get candy and eat a little bit and take the rest home with me.  I could get a child size popcorn. I could get nothing, but that would leave me feeling deprived.  I think I’ll split a popcorn with my friend and work on eating it slowly and mindfully while watching the movie.  I can get the chocolate covered almonds I love the next time I come to the movies.”

When you’re stressed

“I totally want to eat that bar of chocolate in my pantry RIGHT NOW!  OK, that’s fine.  I can totally have it.  I also know about myself right now that I am stressed–completely maxed out. Sometimes I don’t make great food choices when I’m this stressed and I end up feeling awful.  I don’t want to give myself two problems: being stressed and so full I’m sick.  Let me take care of myself in some way.  I think I will sit down and meditate and breathe deeply for a bit, then I’ll be more clear minded to make a decision about food.  The chocolate is always there and will always be there.  I can totally have it and it’s not off limits.  I just want to make a decision that makes me feel good in my body and ultimately supports me in feeling less stressed.”

As you can see, the way you talk to yourself as an Intuitive Eater is gentle, practical, logical, loving, patient, and kind.  Like you would talk to your best friend or child.  Give yourself lots of choices, remember what it was like the last time you overate or binged, and keep your own best interests top of mind.  Of course, always conscious of not feeling deprived, cutting out foods, or restricting yourself!