Change How You Eat, Think, and Feel About Food


Let’s cut to the chase. If you’re sick of counting calories, feeling guilty after every meal, and not liking what you see in the mirror, then something has to give. My name is Erin Wesley, and I’ve been right where you are now. But I found a way out, and I’m here to help you do the same.


  • Ways to Eat Without Stress: Learn to listen to what your body really wants. Say goodbye to harsh diets and hello to eating freely.
  • Tactics to Handle Your Emotions: Get real tools to deal with stress, anxiety, or just a bad day – without turning to the snack drawer.
  • Methods to Start Loving Your Body: You only have one. Learn to treat it with care, respect, and yes, self-love.


Fueling Resilience: A Comprehensive Binge Eating Solution ($2,500)

We’re diving deep. This isn’t just another “eat when you’re hungry” plan. We’ll explore:

  • A Body Image Reboot: Tricks to change the way you see and feel about your body.
  • Mindfulness Made Simple: Practical meditation and mindfulness exercises that fit into your everyday routine.
  • Dealing With Feelings: Strategies to manage emotions that don’t involve raiding the fridge.
  • How to Stay on Track: Tips to keep you moving forward, even when things get tough.


  • BONUS #1 – Guided Meditation Series: Meditations crafted for those who struggle with a range of body image issues. This serves as a quiet time to find solace and contentment within.
  • BONUS #2 – Monthly Q&A Sessions: Ask me your burning questions in live sessions where anything goes. It’s also a space to hear from others who are on the same path. Remember – you’re not alone in this.


No more giving into impulses. No more guilt. No more falling off the wagon and finding it impossible to get back on again.

With actionable, step-by-step guidance, Fueling Resilience: A Comprehensive Binge Eating Solution will teach you everything you need to know to overcome the obstacles that stand in your way.

Let’s do this – together. Sign up today, and finally feel in control of your binge eating.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How Long Does It Take To Complete The Course?

A. It is designed for flexibility, allowing you to move at your own pace. While some participants notice immediate results within 2 weeks of starting, fully embracing and benefiting from the program typically takes around 3 months.

Q. What If I Want To Work with You Individually?

A. Just reach out! You will have access to me in the biweekly group monthly Q&A sessions where we will have plenty of time to discuss particulars to your situation. Remember, your questions help the group – you’re not the only one with those questions, I promise.

If the group coaching sessions don’t feel like enough one-on-one time with me, please reach out, and we will find a time to meet individually. Individual sessions are $199 for 50 minutes, and they are a great way to hone in on exactly what you need or what you might be missing.

Q. Do I Have to Participate in the Group Coaching Sessions?

A. Group coaching sessions are not required and are recorded if you can’t make the session.  However, the group component is so powerful that I would hate for you to miss out if at all possible.  I understand timing can be an issue for working folks, but I have seen such exponential growth in the clients that have committed to coming regularly to group sessions, who have participated fully, and who have made an effort to befriend some of the other members that I just can’t recommend it enough.  I think it would be worth taking the two hours a month off of work if you have to, or rearranging some things to make it happen for one year.  Yes, it’s a commitment.  But, you and your relationship to food and your peace around body image are SO worth it.

If you like to know the science, like me, there is a large body of research pointing to the fact that people who are dealing with significant issues like substance use disorders and eating disorders improve more quickly and have an easier time staying consistent with their new positive behaviors when they have continued peer group support.  The power of the group experience cannot be overstated.

Q. What If I Need Additional Help?

A. Please, bring it up in the group coaching sessions or reach out to me privately.  I want this to work for you, and I’m committed to your growth.  If something isn’t working or doesn’t feel right I want to know about it and help you get what you need. I do this work because I love people and I want to see them overcome food challenges so that they can thrive and be who they were always meant to be in the world. So, please reach out!

Q. Life Is Very Full Right Now, How Involved Is the Course?

A. You can take this course at whatever pace works for you.  I typically recommend you watch one video per day and try to implement one to two things a week.  But, this may be too much for some folks who are already stretched thin. Slowing it down is perfectly fine.  You know yourself and your capacities.  Intuitive eating is also about intuitive living, so it is very important for you to listen to yourself throughout this process.

Here are some ways that other clients have slowed down the process successfully:

  • Just watching the videos, absorbing the material and not implementing anything just yet.
  • Listening to a video per week and doing your best to implement the action steps provided.
  • Focusing on one module per month.
  • More important than the pacing, just doing the work is key.  You can skip sections and come back to them.  You could practice the assignments from only one video and get them down pat.  You can dip in and out as you need, as long as you are doing the work.  It will work if you put in the effort.

Q. I don’t know if I actually binge eat. Will this program work if I just stress eat or eat for emotions sometimes?

A. Yes, absolutely.  It doesn’t matter how much you stress eat or binge eat, all that matters is that your relationship with food feels excessive or out of control at times.

Q. How long do I have access to the course?

A. You have lifetime access to the course.  Take it as slow or as fast as you like.  You have a year of access to the group coaching sessions.

Q. Exactly what does the course contain?

A. There are 7 modules of videos. The modules contain topics such as body image, nutrition specific to folks with binge eating issues, intuitive eating, coping with emotions without going to food, tools for dealing with the desire to binge when it arises, the emotional eating cycle and how to dismantle it, how to stop the cycle of guilt, relapse prevention, and meditations specific to healing food and body image issues.  Each video either has an actionable assignment to try or a new way of thinking about a concept.  Some assignments are written journal work for reflection, and others are hands-on ways to cope with emotions or urges to binge in the moment.

Q. What is the refund policy?

A. If you find that the course isn’t quite what you expected and you’re less than 25% of the way through, don’t worry! I will be sure to handle a refund smoothly within 14 days of your purchase. Your satisfaction is important to me, and I want to ensure you have a positive experience with my course.