What Does Your Thinking Sound Like As An Intuitive Eater?

What Does Your Thinking Sound Like As An Intuitive Eater?

One of the most impactful things my dietitian did to help me become an Intuitive Eater was to model the thinking and decision making that she had around food.  She would walk me through her thought process as she got off work and began thinking about what she wanted...
Intuitive Eating Motivation

Intuitive Eating Motivation

Actual recent email correspondence with an actual Intuitive Eating client: Erin: I know you said I could reach out any time, and I have mostly not done that because things have been relatively smooth.  This weekend I took a dive, though. I tried on some summer shorts...
Body Image Help: Apology Letter to Your Body

Body Image Help: Apology Letter to Your Body

Even a few years into eating disorder recovery, I hated my body.  I needed all the body image help I could get. One powerful step forward was writing an apology letter to my body for all my mistreatment of it. It took me a little while to work up to this level in...
Why Is Intuitive Eating Not Working For Me?

Why Is Intuitive Eating Not Working For Me?

You read the book.  You’ve been following some great podcasts.  The concepts make perfect sense and the science behind it all really speaks to you.  So, why does it just feel like it’s not clicking?  Read on to troubleshoot what could be happening for you....

What is an Intuitive Eating Coach

So you’ve decided Intuitive Eating might work for you. You’ve read about it, or you follow some people on Instagram or Facebook.  Maybe you’ve even read the book and have tried to apply some of the principles on your own.  Now you’re ready to...

How to Talk to Your Teenager About Their Weight

You’re concerned.  You love your child, and want them to be happy, healthy and accepted by their peers.  But, is it a good idea to talk to your teenager about their weight, and how do you go about it with sensitivity? To Talk or Not to Talk Talking about weight...